Wednesday, March 31, 2010

unit 9 project

Introduction: Why is it important for health and wellness professionals to develop psychologically, spiritually and physically? What areas do you need to develop to achieve the goals you have for yourself?
Being well rounded is a great place to start both personally and professionally, I believe that if you balanced in the areas of your spirituality and your mental and physical state you can only go up from there. When you feel good you help others feel good also, which is a great place for any wellness professional to start. I feel that in order to achieve the goals that I have set before me I need to become more proficient in all areas, mentally when the day is draining and someone needs help, or advise or just an ear, I need to be able to mentally pick myself up and participate. Spiritually because even though I have a faithful life I can always be a better example. Physically, without a healthy physical being you will wither and waste away. In the world of competitive figure, fitness and bodybuilding you need to have a tip top physically perfect body, and as a human being we all make mistakes along the way, and I need to become stronger mental, physically, and spiritually to accomplish my goals.

Assessment: How have you assessed your health in each domain? How do you score your wellness spiritually, physically, and psychologically?
I feel as though my wellness in the spiritual area has grown, it can still use some work, I am truly a faithful person and I shy away from religion, I have a strong walk with Jesus, but it can be so much more than it is, I feel that as a lover of Jesus I would still have to rate myself at about 50%. I know there is more to be expected of me, and I should be more of an example, scholar and student of the Lord.
My physical wellness is defiantly my strong suit, I am a competitor and as you know to be a competitor your body has to be working at its optimal peak. I make sure that I am working on all cylinders and I do my due diligence to make sure of that as well. I would have to say my assessment for my physical wellness in at about 80%.
Psychologically, well thank goodness this is my opinion, psychologically I feel that I rank in the top 10%, I am a pretty sturdy, solid person and I really feel that with a solid foundation in this area I can accomplish anything.

Goal development:
List at least one goal you have for yourself in each area, Physical, Psychological (mental health) and Spiritual.
I love goals they give you so much to look forward too, we will start with the easiest one here, physically my goal is to compete this summer, this I a goal that I have to work towards on a daily basis and as the days go by I get more and more excited, and as the physical changes take place I really get amped up. My actual contest date is August 7th, so if the good Lord is willing and the creek don’t rise, I will be a nationally qualified competitor going into next year.
A goal that I have for myself spiritually is to physically get back into the church building on Sunday mornings. I love the Lord and would love to be a larger participant in my church life here in Colorado.
As for my psychological goal, I would have to say, any and everything can be manipulated through your mind. If you put your mind to something you can conquer the world. Therefore my psychological goal is to become an expert in mood and thought manipulation, I will learn to acknowledge and accept situations and know that I don’t need to participate or feed into the situation unless I feel it is a health situation to begin with.

Practices for personal health:
What strategies can you implement to foster growth in each of the following domains; Physical, Psychological, and Spiritual. Provide at least two examples of exercises or practices in each domain. Explain how you will implement each example.
The easiest thing to do for my spiritual goal, is to show up, they say that 90% of being successful is just showing up. I need to make it a point to pick a time, and a commitment to which service I want to go to, and just simply show up.
As for my physical goals, boy if the first sentence doesn’t hold true here also, staying motivated at times is extremely hard and I have failed at it at times, this is the one place in my life I am trying to accept the saying, “persistence not perfection”. I need to stick to my schedule that I have laid out for training and cardio 6 days a week as well as my diet plan that is what is going to make me successful in this area.
My psychological goal, that is a work in progress on a daily basis, it is a matter of daily reminders to myself as to what type of person I want to be, mediocre or successful, it is the difference between my daily meditation and accepting ciaos around me. It is about focus and drive with my psyche that is what it is going to take to make dreams come true.

How will you assess your progress or lack of progress in the next six months? What strategies can you use to assist in maintaining your long-term practices for health and wellness?
In the next six months I should have a real good idea of where I am at physically, as if I am on track I will have done a competitive show by then, I think taking this physical challenge day by day and week by week, I will not allow myself to fail at this, I want it to badly. I think my progress with weight loss, and leaning out will be a great judge for me to measure my success by.
Spiritually I can monitor my success by counting the Sundays that go by week by week, and make sure that I am in attendance of 90% of them, to be successful in this area it is nothing more than simple math. I know that it takes 28 days to form a habit and that is how I plan to monitor my success spiritually, as well as listening to my heart, if my insides match my outsides then I am on the right track and I hold no internal turmoil.
Psychologically, boy now that is a chore, I feel that in order to monitor my success long term here, I will really need to focus on my emotions and meditation. I have found that having meditation in my corner has helped me overcome devastating circumstances, when I lost my dad; meditation is what kept me from going into depression. I value this practice and I will continue to use and utilize this process by whatever means necessary to keep it in my daily realm.


  1. Jamie,
    Great post. Your attitude in transforming in itself. One can gain a lot of insight and motivation from you. You know what you have to do, so "do it". That is all anyone needs to tell you. I have faith that you will accomplish what you want, and do a great job. As for church, it is hard to keep up with oranized religion. I wish you happiness and peace on your journey.
    Gina Costello

  2. Jamie - Some nice work! Your point about "without a healthy physical being you will wither and waste away." --> What I also take from this statement is that without a healthy mental/spiritual being you will also wither and waster away.

    I really appreciate your experience and thoughts offered about meditaion and how it helped you during your time of loss. Although I didn't call what I was doing "meditation" at the time, I realize now that during my cancer/chemotherapy it was the ability to calm my mind and relax that helped me through the hard times (and the endless hours of sickness and boredom ;))

    I also am adopting the progress/persistence not perfection phrase -- on all levels...not just when I am too hard on myself for missing a workout or not reaching a goal as quickly as I would have liked. You have a GREAT attitude and approach and I wish you all the best.

    Please keep your blog going and/or keep in touch!

    Take Care - David

  3. Hey,

    Nice work on your project. It seems you really care and want to improve your health and wellness. Goals are great ways to obtain what you want but keeping them obtainable is the key. Good luck with you future!

  4. It would be great to see you in one of your showa. I used to be really big into body building but my body type if I work out too much can look really masculine after a while so I try to just stay toned instead of increasing muscle. I wish you all the luck in the world and I hope you take first place in the competition. You seem that you have a great plan and as long as you stick to it you will have no problem at all.

  5. Jamie,

    I loved that you said you "loved goals". I can say the same for myself. If I did not set goals, I would just be floating around in la la land! Seriously! I have not met all the goals I have set for myself but, have met most of them. One of my goals was to do a mini-triathalon but, when I found out that I had osteoporosis, I thought, well..."do I really want to risk fracturing something?" So, I changed it to staying as fit as I could so, that I can save my bones! I envy those who are able to do it but, I just have to keep on moving, and I will be fine!

    Keep working on your goals and you will go far!!!

    Good luck to you!

    Jill Shafer

  6. Jamie,

    I agree that goals are a key to any success. I mention that you are entering a competition, in what activity? I have to believe that as you meditation and envision yourself winning your training is becoming easier and you are feeling better and better about yourself. I know that is what happens to me when I see myself moving towards my goal. Good luck with your development over the long term. Seems like the goals you have set for yourself in the short term will help your development down the road.
